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Basic Carbine/Rifle
In today’s world, almost everyone has access to an AR15 rifle or PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) platform. Many people who own these types of firearms have never received proper training on how to use the platform to maximize its efficiency. This course will address this issue and teach the students how to properly use these platforms with a strong focus on safety. This course will increase the students’ competence and confidence in their ability to use their rifles defensively. This is an entry-level live fire course. Most of the shooting is completed on a static range.
Some of the subjects we will cover in this class are as follows:
- Proper shooting stance with a rifle
- Proper mounting of the rifle
- Sight picture
- Proper zeroing of the rifle
- Mechanical offset
- High-ready, low-ready, high-compressed, and low-compressed starting positions
- Standing and kneeling shooting positions
- Proper use of equipment (slings, pouches, optics)
- Defensive reloading of the rifle
- Multiple round engagement
- Rifle-to-pistol transitions
- Applicable movement while shooting
- Round placement
- Threat identification
- How to properly scan for threats
The course requires a minimum round count of 300 rounds. You are welcome to shoot more and encouraged to do so, however, a minimum of 300 rounds will be required to complete the course. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to complete a basic qualification with the rifle which will include the points listed above.
Equipment list:
- A properly functioning rifle and handgun (rifle should be zeroed in advance)
- Tactical style sling for the rifle
- A proper fitting holster for your handgun
- A shooting belt is not required but is highly recommended
- At least 2 magazines for your rifle, 3 is better.
- At least 2 magazines for that handgun
- 100 rounds of ammunition for that handgun
- 300-500 rounds of rifle ammunition
- Magazine Pouches for magazines, both rifle and handgun.
- Body armor/kit if you would wear it while deploying your rifle
- Cleaning kit and lubricant for your firearms
- Extra batteries if your optic requires batteries
- Sharpie-type pen for marking targets
- Pen and notepad for taking notes
- Hat or other head covering
- Gloves (recommended but not mandatory)
- Knee and elbow pads (recommended but not mandatory)
- Eye and ear protection
- Footwear that you can stand in all day (boots are highly recommended)
- Sunscreen or raingear (as applicable) (The course will go rain or shine)
- Enough water supply to sustain you for the day
- Snack as we will not break for lunch.